A layered analysis of self-explanation and structured reflection to support clinical reasoning in medical students

Martine Chamberland*, Silvia Mamede, Linda Bergeron, Lara Varpio

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


Self-explanation and structured reflection have been studied independently with results suggesting that both learning interventions can effectively support medical students’ clinical reasoning development. Given this evidence, medical schools may want/begin to implement these interventions in their curricula. Implementing educational interventions requires educators to maintain the core philosophy and principles of the interventions intact while adjusting implementation techniques to the specificities of individual learning contexts. Educational scholars have yet to explicitly articulate the philosophy, principles and techniques of self-explanation and structured reflection. Without such descriptions, educators risk failing to realize self-explanation’s and structured reflection’s effect to support students’ clinical reasoning skill development in their implementations. Relying on the layered analysis approach, we articulate the philosophy, principles and techniques of self-explanation and structured reflection. This description is framed within the context of an actual implementation to illustrate the philosophies underpinning self-explanation and structured reflection, the principles that realize those philosophies, and the techniques that can be used to enact those principles. Building on the similarities between self-explanation and structured reflection, while also harnessing their differences, we identify why and how these interventions can be combined in a single implementation, while preserving their philosophies and principles. The layered analysis of self-explanation and structured reflection offers essential insights into the underpinnings of these interventions. They are articulated in this manuscript in hopes that other scholars will continue to refine these descriptions thereby facilitating effective use of self-explanation and structured reflection for clinical reasoning development.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)171-179
Number of pages9
JournalPerspectives on Medical Education
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jun 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Clinical reasoning
  • Layered analysis
  • Self-explanation
  • Structured reflection


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