Inhibition of eicosanoid-mediated coronary constriction during myocardial ischemia

F. R.M. Laurindo, C. K. Finton, D. Ezra, J. F. Czaja, G. Z. Feuerstein, R. E. Goldstein

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7 Scopus citations


Thromboxane A2 and cysteinyl leukotrienes are highly effective microvessel constrictors in normally perfused myocardium. Their release during acute coronary thrombosis might augment myocardial underperfusion. The constrictor action of these substances could be modified substantially, however, by concomitant myocardial ischemia. We compared the effects of the two eicosanoid constrictors in normally perfused and ischemic myocardium of 24 open-chest, pentobarbital-anesthetized pigs. Left anterior descending coronary flow was measured after intracoronary bolus injections of the stable thromboxane A2 analog U46619 (1-10 μg) or leukotriene D4 (LTD4 1-10 μg). Each dose was given before and during myocardial ischemia induced by a snare adjusted to produce 63 ± 2% decrease in coronary flow for 10 min. Marked dose-independent inhibition of eicosanoid-induced coronary flow decrease occurred during ischemia. With 10 μg U46619, coronary flow decrease in the unoccluded state (25 ± 2 from 55 ± 4 ml/min pretreatment baseline) was virtually eliminated during snare occlusion (1 ± 1 from 21 ± 3 ml/min pretreatment baseline, P < 0.001). Similar results occurred with LTD4. Distal coronary pressure during ischemia indicated a lack of microvessel responsiveness to the eicosanoids rather than a buffering of resistance change by the snare. U46619 and LTD4 did induce transient, small reductions in regional shortening fraction during ischemia. Our data suggest that eicosanoid-induced constriction of myocardial resistance vessels is not a likely complication of acute coronary thrombosis. However, eicosanoids could depress residual contractility in moderately ischemic regions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2479-2486
Number of pages8
JournalFASEB Journal
Issue number9
StatePublished - 1988
Externally publishedYes


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