Joining the meta-research movement: A bibliometric case study of the journal Perspectives on Medical Education

Lauren A. Maggio*, Stefanie Haustein, Joseph A. Costello, Erik W. Driessen, Anthony R. Artino

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Purpose: To conduct a bibliometric case study of the journal Perspectives on Medical Education (PME) to provide insights into the journal’s inner workings and to “take stock” of where PME is today, where it has been, and where it might go. Methods: Data, including bibliographic metadata, reviewer and author details, and downloads, were collected for manuscripts submitted to and published in PME from the journal’s Editorial Manager and Web of Science. Gender of authors and reviewers was predicted using To visualize and analyze collaboration patterns, citation relationships and term co-occurrence social network analyses (SNA) were conducted. VOSviewer was used to visualize the social network maps. Results: Between 2012–2019 PME received, on average, 260 manuscripts annually (range = 73–402). Submissions were received from authors in 81 countries with the majority in the United States (US), United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. PME published 518 manuscripts with authors based in 31 countries, the majority being in the Netherlands, US, and Canada. PME articles were downloaded 717,613 times (mean per document: 1388). In total 1201 (55% women) unique peer reviewers were invited and 649 (57% women) completed reviews; 1227 (49% women) unique authors published in PME. SNA revealed that PME authors were quite collaborative, with most authoring articles with others and only a minority (n = 57) acting as single authors. Discussion: This case study provides a glimpse into PME and offers evidence for PME’s next steps. In the future, PME is committed to growing the journal thoughtfully; diversifying and educating editorial teams, authors, and reviewers, and liberating and sharing journal data.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)127-136
Number of pages10
JournalPerspectives on Medical Education
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jun 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Bibliometrics
  • Journals
  • Meta-research
  • Scholarly communication


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