Knowledge and skill retention of a mobile phone data collection protocol in rural Liberia

Michelle L. Munro, Jody R. Lori*, Carol J. Boyd, Pamela Andreatta

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

20 Scopus citations


Introduction: With a large number of births occurring outside the formal health system, it is difficult to determine the number of pregnant women in rural regions of Liberia. The exponential growth of mobile phone use in developing countries provides a potential avenue for data collection on maternal and child health in such rural, remote regions. Methods: A pre-, post-, and one-year posttest design was used to collect data on knowledge and skill retention for 7 essential items required for mobile phone use among traditional birth attendants (TBAs) trained in a short message service (SMS) texting data collection protocol (N = 99) in rural Liberia. Results: Sixty-three participants (63.6% retention) completed the one-year posttest and displayed evidence of statistically significant knowledge and skill retention in 6 of the 7 tasks (P < .005), including the ability to: 1) turn on the phone, 2) use the mobile phone to make a call, 3) recognize that they have coverage, 4) recognize that the mobile phone is charged, 5) create a SMS text message without help, and 6) send a SMS text message without help. The TBAs continued to have difficulty with more complex tasks such as adding minutes to a phone. Discussion: The mobile phone data-collection protocol proved feasible with TBAs demonstrating knowledge retention in a one-year posttest; however, clinical significance needs further investigation. The protocol increased communication and collaboration among TBAs, certified midwives, and clinic staff.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)176-183
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Midwifery and Women's Health
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • Knowledge retention
  • Liberia
  • MHealth
  • Mobile phone
  • SMS texting


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