Leadership Lessons in Concussion Management for Team Physicians

Jeremy D. Ross, Kenneth L. Cameron, Brian J. Colsant, Megan N. Houston*

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Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Over the last decade, with emphasis on concussion awareness and potential long-term deficits, concussions have become a public health concern. Although common, concussions are complex in nature and often require a collaborative treatment approach across multiple disciplines. In an athletic setting, the Team Physician plays a critical leadership role in the organization, management, and provision of care for concussed athletes. However, leadership strategies for the provision of concussion care utilized by the Team Physician have not been adequately described. This manuscript intends to describe advanced planning for concussion management and highlight best practices for the provision of care for the concussed athlete, to assist the Team Physician in coordinating optimal care. Specific emphasis will be placed on outlining a concussion management protocol aligned with evidence-based best practices.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)191-199
Number of pages9
JournalSports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • concussion management
  • interdisciplinary team
  • leadership
  • mild traumatic brain injury
  • rehabilitation
  • treatment


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