Loss of annexin 1 correlates with early onset of tumorigenesis in esophageal and prostate carcinoma

Cloud P. Paweletz, David K. Ornstein, Mark J. Roth, Verena E. Bichsel, John W. Gillespie, Valerie S. Calvert, Cathy D. Vocke, Stephen M. Hewitt, Paul H. Duray, Judi Herring, Quan Hong Wang, Nan Hu, W. Marston Linehan, Phillip R. Taylor, Lance A. Liotta, Michael R. Emmert-Buck, Emanuel F. Petricoin

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219 Scopus citations


Annexin I protein expression was evaluated in patient-matched longitudinal study sets of laser capture microdissected normal, premalignant, and invasive epithelium from human esophageal squamous cell cancer and prostatic adenocarcinoma. In 25 esophageal cases (20 by Western blot and 5 by immunohistochemistry) and 17 prostate cases (3 by Western blot and 14 by immunohistochemistry), both tumor types showed either complete loss or a dramatic reduction in the level of annexin I protein expression compared with patient-matched normal epithelium (P ≤ 0.05). Moreover, by using Western blot analysis of laser capture microdissected, patient-matched longitudinal study sets of both tumor types, the loss of protein expression occurred in premalignant lesions. Concordance of this result with immunohistochemical analysis suggests that annexin I may be an essential component for maintenance of the normal epithelial phenotype. Additional studies investigating the mechanism(s) and functional consequences of annexin I protein loss in tumor cells are warranted.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6293-6297
Number of pages5
JournalCancer Research
Issue number22
StatePublished - 15 Nov 2000
Externally publishedYes


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