Overview and recommendations for Medical screening and diagnostic evaluation for postdeployment lung disease in returning US Warfighters

Cecile Rose*, Joseph Abraham, Deanna Harkins, Robert Miller, Michael Morris, Lisa Zacher, Richard Meehan, Anthony Szema, James Tolle, Matthew King, David Jackson, John Lewis, Andrea Stahl, Mark B. Lyles, Michael Hodgson, Ronald Teichman, Walid Salihi, Gregory Matwiyoff, Gregory Meeker, Suzette MormonKathryn Bird, Coleen Baird

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40 Scopus citations


OBJECTIVE: To review inhalational exposures and respiratory disease risks in US military personnel deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and to develop consensus recommendations for medical screening and diagnostic referral. METHODS: A Working Group of physicians and exposure scientists from academia and from the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs was convened in February 2010. RESULTS: Despite uncertainty about the number of people affected and risk factors for adverse pulmonary outcomes in this occupational setting, the Working Group recommended: (1) standardized approaches to pre- and postdeployment medical surveillance; (2) criteria for medical referral and diagnosis; and (3) case definitions for major deployment-related lung diseases. CONCLUSIONS: There is a need for targeted, practical medical surveillance for lung diseases and for a standardized diagnostic approach for all symptomatic deployed personnel.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)746-751
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2012
Externally publishedYes


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