Preclinical Evaluation of the FGFR-Family Inhibitor Futibatinib for Pediatric Rhabdomyosarcoma

Jerry T. Wu, Adam Cheuk, Kristine Isanogle, Christina Robinson, Xiaohu Zhang, Michele Ceribelli, Erin Beck, Paul Shinn, Carleen Klumpp-Thomas, Kelli M. Wilson, Crystal McKnight, Zina Itkin, Hiroshi Sotome, Hiroshi Hirai, Elizabeth Calleja, Volker Wacheck, Brad Gouker, Cody J. Peer, Natalia Corvalan, David MilewskiYong Y. Kim, William D. Figg, Elijah F. Edmondson, Craig J. Thomas, Simone Difilippantonio, Jun S. Wei, Javed Khan*

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3 Scopus citations


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