Pure Superior Wall Acetabular Fracture: A Rare Posterior Wall Variant

John T. Richards*, Archie L. Overmann, Jean Claude G. D'Alleyrand

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Case:We present a case of a pure superior wall acetabular fracture in an US soldier, caused by a collapsing wall. Although Letournel and Judet classified this pattern as a rare variant of a posterior-superior wall acetabular fracture, it shares features of several patterns and the treatment more closely follows that of the anterior-based elementary patterns.Conclusion:The mechanism, incidence, and long-term outcomes of this fracture remain unknown, but improved recognition and proper classification may help to guide treatment. This case highlights 1 patient with this unique pattern and outlines its management and short- to mid-term outcome.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere21.00289
JournalJBJS Case Connector
Issue number4
StatePublished - 17 Nov 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • acetabular fracture
  • acetabulum
  • military medicine
  • orthopaedic trauma
  • trauma


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