QT interval screening in methadone maintenance treatment: Report of a SAMHSA expert panel

Judith A. Martin*, Anthony Campbell, Thomas Killip, Margaret Kotz, Mori J. Krantz, Mary Jeanne Kreek, Brian A. McCarroll, Davendra Mehta, J. Thomas Payte, Barry Stimmel, Trusandra Taylor, Mark C.P. Haigney, Bonnie B. Wilford

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

65 Scopus citations


In an effort to enhance patient safety in opioid treatment programs, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Saervices Administration convened a multi-disciplinary Expert Panel on the Cardiac Effects of Methadone. Panel members (Appendix A) reviewed the literature, regulatory actions, professional guidances, and opioid treatment program experiences regarding adverse cardiac events associated with methadone. The Panel concluded that, to the extent possible, every opioid treatment program should have a universal Cardiac Risk Management Plan (incorporating clinical assessment, electrocardiogram assessment, risk stratification, and prevention of drug interactions) for all patients and should strongly consider patient-specific risk minimization strategies (such as careful patient monitoring, obtaining electrocardiograms as indicated by a particular patient's risk profile, and adjusting the methadone dose as needed) for patients with identified risk factors for adverse cardiac events. The Panel also suggested specific modifications to informed consent documents, patient education, staff education, and methadone protocols.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)283-306
Number of pages24
JournalJournal of Addictive Diseases
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • Cardiac risk
  • Methadone maintenance treatment
  • Patient screening
  • QTc


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