Quantitative imaging in late traumatic brain injury. Part I: Late imaging parameters in closed and penetrating head injuries

Irith I. Reider-Groswasser, Zeev Groswasser*, Alexander K. Ommaya, Karen Schwab, Anthony Pridgen, Herbert R. Brown, Reginald Cole, Andres M. Salazar

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12 Scopus citations


Objective: To ascertain the value of relatively simple quantitative radiologic measurements after head injury. Despite major advances in neuroradiology, analysis and reporting of imaging studies is based primarily on individual subjective and local experience, rather than on reproducible, standardized parameters; reliance on newer technologies can improve care, but also raises diagnosis costs. Design: Blinded, retrospective, quantitative assessment of computerized tomography studies done some 14 years post-injury. Outcome measures: Frontal horn width (FHW); septum-caudate distance (SCD); temporal horn width (THW); interuncal distance (IUD); third ventricle width (3VW); ventricular score (VS); sulcal width (SW); gray-white matter discriminability (GWMD) and subjective assessment of atrophy (SAOA). Results: Diffuse and frontal damage was noted in both closed (CHI) and penetrating (PHI) head injury groups. Enlargement of frontal lobe parameters (septum caudate distance and frontal horn width suggest frontal injury in both closed and penetrating traumatic brain injury (TBI). Temporal horn width and inter-uncal distance were related to VS, 3VW and FHW in closed, but not in penetrating head injury. Conclusions: Simple linear CSF space measurement are correlated with volumetric and parenchymal measures, and can represent valuable and reliable low-cost quantitative measures of long term brain damage after TBI.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)517-525
Number of pages9
JournalBrain Injury
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2002
Externally publishedYes


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