The regional whole blood program in San Antonio, TX: A 3-year update on prehospital and in-hospital transfusion practices for traumatic and non-traumatic hemorrhage

the San Antonio Whole Blood Consortium

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


Low titer type O Rh-D + whole blood (LTO + WB) has become a first-line resuscitation medium for hemorrhagic shock in many centers around the World. Showing early effectiveness on the battlefield, LTO + WB is used in both the pre-hospital and in-hospital settings for traumatic and non-traumatic hemorrhage resuscitation. Starting in 2018, the San Antonio Whole Blood Collaborative has worked to provide LTO + WB across Southwest Texas, initially in the form of remote damage control resuscitation followed by in-hospital trauma resuscitation. This program has since expanded to include pediatric trauma resuscitation, obstetric hemorrhage, females of childbearing potential, and non-traumatic hemorrhage. The objective of this manuscript is to provide a three-year update on the successes and expansion of this system and outline resuscitation challenges in special populations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S80-S89
Issue numberS1
StatePublished - Aug 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • transfusion practices (OB GYN)
  • transfusion practices (adult)
  • transfusion practices (neonatal, pediatrics)


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