title = "The Russian Far East's endless winter",
author = "Chang, {Felix K.}",
note = "Funding Information: Sources: V. P. Larionov, “Deposits of Natural Gas in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Current Situation and Prospectso f Their Usage in the Context ofthe Republic{\textquoteright}s Energy Policy,” paper presenteda t an InternationalC onferenceo n the Northeast Asia Natural Gas Pipeline, convenedb y the National Pipeline Research Society of Japan Mar. 3, 1995, Tokyo; Keun Wook Paik, Gas and Oil in NortheastAsia: Pohcles, Projects, and Prospects (London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1995),p p. 81-92; .4kn S. Whiting, “Yakutiya Gas,” in The Russjan Far East rn Transition: Opportwutwsf or Regional EconomrcC ooperatron,e d. Mark .I. Valencia (Boulder: Westview Press, 1995),p p. 11l -24; Oii and Gas in theR ussranF ar East, preparedb y FACTS (Honolulu), Feb. 1994,p p. 40-41, 48, 93; “Intetm, Summary Report on Study of Energy Resourcesi n East Siberia and Russia{\textquoteright}s Far East,” preparedb y Northern Regions Centre (Tokyo), Feb. 1993;a nd author{\textquoteright}s estimates,",
year = "1999",
doi = "10.1016/S0030-4387(99)80058-1",
language = "English",
volume = "43",
pages = "77--110",
journal = "Orbis",
issn = "0030-4387",
number = "1",