Towards Preanalytical Best Practices for Liquid Biopsy Studies: A BLOODPAC Landscape Analysis

Christina M. Lockwood, Jason D. Merker, Elizabeth Bain, Caroline Compton, Robert L. Grossman, Donald Johann, Frederick Jones, Gregory Jones, Matthew Kreifels, Suzanne LeBlang, Jerry S.H. Lee, John Lyle, Jean Francois Martini, Lauren Saunders, Howard Scher, Stella Somiari, Mark Stewart, Jacob Vinson, Lauren C. Leiman*

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BLOODPAC is a public-private consortium that develops best practices, coordinates clinical and translational research, and manages the BLOODPAC Data Commons to broadly support the liquid biopsy community and accelerate regulatory review to aid patient accessibility. BLOODPAC previously recommended 11 preanalytical minimal technical data elements (MTDEs) for BLOODPAC-sponsored studies and data submitted to BLOODPAC Data Commons. The current landscape analysis evaluates the overlap of the BLOODPAC MTDEs with current best practices, guidelines, and standards documents related to clinical and research liquid biopsy applications. Our findings indicate an existing high degree of concordance among these documents. Where differences exist, the BLOODPAC preanalytical MTDEs can be considered a minimal practicable set for organizations to utilize. These MTDEs were developed following extensive examination of best practices and iterative conversations with the U.S. FDA. BLOODPAC recommends the use of these MTDEs in submissions to data commons and to support liquid biopsy clinical trials and research globally.

Original languageEnglish
JournalClinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
StateAccepted/In press - 2024
Externally publishedYes

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