Utilization Of Efficient And Environmentally Friendly Metal Cutting Fluid (Mcfs) By Glycolyzing Of Edible And Nonedible Oil

S. M. El Rayes, Mohamed M. El-Sukkary, Mahmoud Bekhit*, Mohamed Sallam, Nabel A. Negm

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The using of metal working cutting fluids increasing day by day for improvement of fabrication of metals,maintenance of cutting tools,reduce of power for production, cooling and lubricant of metal surface. In this study new renewable metal cutting fluids were prepared based on edible and nonedible oil, these cutting fluids were biodegradable and safe for workers. In this study generated naturally, biodegradable and proficient metal cutting fluids from Jatropha oil, sunflower oil and castor oil. Oil was glycolyzed utilizing polyethylene glycol 600 to deliver the glycolyzed products (J600, S600 and C600) respectively. The prepared compounds were utilized as emulsifiers within the definition for metal cutting fluids in presence of sunflower, castor, and Jatropha oils as ecofriendly oils. That comes about appeared great constancy for prepared glycolyzed oils in water suspensions. Surface tension, pH, specific gravity, kinematic viscosity at 40 oC, and anti-corrosion tests of the arranged preparation appeared satisfactory consequences were it more stable reach to 30 days, high viscosity in use of castor oil reach to 98 cSt, more dispersion and decrease surface tension in case of use castor oil 42 mN/m comparing by printed records for numerous working fluids preparations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)421-430
Number of pages10
JournalEgyptian Journal of Chemistry
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • copper strip
  • Edible and nonedible oils
  • metal cutting fluids


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