Why the military committee is important to SAGES?

Robert B. Lim*, Eric Ahnfeldt, Gordon Wisbach, Tamara Worlton

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Background: SAGES established a military committee in 2009 and since that time. It may not be readily clear why a traditionally laparoscopic and endoscopic surgical society should have a military committee whose members' primary mission is combat surgery. Military surgeons have a second mission, though, which is to provide care for all its beneficiaries in all the surgical subspecialties. They also have a third mission, which is to train the next generation of military surgeons. The aim of this paper is to discuss the relationship with SAGES that enables the military to succeed in these missions and the benefits it provides to SAGES. Methods: A historical review of the military committee and its activities since its inception in 2009. Results: Through SAGES, military surgeons have a cost-effective means of developing professionally and receiving education in surgical areas outside of the battlefield arena, which the DOD does not provide. For 13 years, SAGES has also provided an academic venue for research in these specialties. With the addition of military members, SAGES can access more surgeons and surgical innovation like surgery in space and worldwide telemedicine. The military committee also gives SAGES an opportunity to directly contribute to the care of military service members, retirees, and VA beneficiaries, which benefits the United States as a whole. Conclusions: SAGES and the military have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship. The contributions of SAGES have undoubtedly saved and improved US service member and beneficiary lives. It has also improved the education and academic advancements of the military surgeons. SAGES also reaches more surgeons and has another platform for surgical innovation. The relationship should continue and be allowed to grow.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)774-779
Number of pages6
JournalSurgical Endoscopy
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • Battlefield
  • Beneficiary care
  • Combat surgery
  • Military committee
  • Surgical innovation


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